Fresh Tomato and Olive Pasta Salad…at least, in my opinion

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Mon mari et moi agree on a lot of things; we disagree on fewer things and on the rest we agree to disagree.  That's where we get into trouble.

One of the things we agree to disagree on is what constitutes a salad.

Mon mari states that, by definition, a salad has lettuce.  The French agree with him.   "Salade" is the generic French word for all lettuces.

Thus, a few weeks ago we had a conversation that went something like this:

Mon mari: "What's our starter tonight?"  as he reaches for the salad bowl.

Me: "Soup", as I turn the burner on under a pot.

Mon mari: "But you just picked lettuce!"

Me: "I know, it's lettuce soup."

Mon mari: "     "  speechless with incomprehension.

And more recently:

Mon mari: "What's for dinner? "

"Sausage salad", as I turn the burner on under a large pot.

Mon mari: "Great, I love that", as he goes to the fridge for the lettuce.  "Where's the lettuce?"

"It's a pasta salad."

Mon mari: "      "  speechless with incomprehension; followed by  "But it's not a salad if there's no lettuce!"

Variations on these 2 conversations take place at least 4 times a week all summer.  You'd think we'd learn, but where's the fun in that?

I explained that, to me and the rest of the world, a salad is anything; vegetable, pasta, or grain, which may or may not include meat or fish; that has oil and vinegar in it and is not served hot. 

He explained that, to him and the rest of the world, I'm wrong.

And then I shot myself in the foot!  After many weeks of painstakingly teaching him the true meaning of salad, I made one without vinegar.Presto2bpast2bnights1 

He caught me.  "AHA!" he cried….   well, we don't need to rehash the rest of it. 

He liked it; he ate it. 

I made it; I'll call it a salad if I want to! 

So there!

for this week's Presto Pasta Night.

Fresh Tomato and Green Olive Pasta Salad

4 medium, ripe tomatoes, 3 – 4 cups chopped   Roma's or Italian plum are best
1/2 cup green pimento stuffed olives Tomatoolive
1/4 cup olive oil, the good stuff
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbs fresh chopped oregano
2 tbs fresh chopped parsley
1 1/2 cup farfalle

Peel tomatoes and roughly chop.  Put into a large bowl.  Cut olives in thirds and add to tomatoes.  Mince garlic and add.  Chop/snip herbs and add.  Pour olive oil over all, stir to combine.  Cover with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours, 4 is better.  Cook pasta according to package directions, drain and rinse lightly with cool water.  Add pasta to sauce, toss well to combine and serve.

I still say it's a salad….

Be sure to stop by   Once Upon a Feast on Friday for the recap of all the lovely pasta dishes, some salads, some not…

16 thoughts on “Fresh Tomato and Olive Pasta Salad…at least, in my opinion”

  1. For me, salads are any coldish (not piping hot) first dish kind of things with a little sauce on them, vinegar or no. This one looks good.

  2. Meredith, I made a fruit salad for my fist neighborhood picnic…with Sauterne… It was meant for dessert but they didn’t quite know what to do with it…LOL
    Thanks, Christine…I will/do.

  3. I’m laughing! I think the cook has the right to name her/his dishes anything she/he wants to call them! Salad, not salad — it’s all up to you. And this one looks delicious.

  4. Funny post! 🙂
    This salad looks great. To me, a salad is anything that is tossed around in a bowl or plate. It can be hot or cold.

  5. I love France. Your blog reminds me of my travels there. I stayed with family friends in Martigues and in the morning their neighbors would give us freshly laid eggs from her hen. It was amazing. Thanks for the jogging the memory.

  6. LOL, I love your writing styly almost as much as the recipes. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.
    As for me…I’m with you although I have had a few hot salads in my day – sometimes with lettuce, sometimes without. What would your husband say about that?

  7. Lydia, I agree. If I want to call it….well, I agree!
    Thanks, Chris and Nora… Life gives me lots to work with!
    Thanks for stopping by, Nirmala… glad to being back good memories!
    You’re right, Ruth, Hot Spinach and Bacon Salad, for one… He considers that salad – green leaves… (Glad you enjoy it;-) )

  8. Mimi, there are some things that we’ll always ‘agree to disagree’ on. Besides, I think guys don’t like the idea of just eating ‘salad’… so if they call it something else it’s okay…

  9. That looks delicious.
    Actually, you wouldn’t be wrong in Russia. I’m from there originally, and we have all sorts of salad that don’t involve any lettuce, and plenty of meat, grains and vegetables.

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