Lamb Steaks with Mustard Rosemary Butter

It was our wedding anniversary this weekend.

Since I insist on Fish Hell Night every week I let mon mari choose special occasion meals – as long as they meet with my approval, of course.

He always chooses lamb chops.

Unfortunately, I can’t always get lamb chops.

Let me rephrase…. I can’t always get lamb chops that I’m willing to spend money on. Usually, the lamb chops have a long ‘tail’ which the Europeans seem to love, but, as it tends to be mainly fat, I don’t. Sometimes I can find nice lean chops, but not always.

Sometimes I can find nice lean ‘steaks’ – the cut is actually a thick slice from the upper part of the leg. It’s normally the same price is a chop, but with only a small bone and just enough fat to keep it tender.

For me, that’s a lot more lean meat for the money.

For mon mari it’s excellent lamb, regardless of the shape

The recipe, Lamb Steaks with Mustard Rosemary Butter, has been updated, nutrition information added, and re-posted here: Grilled Lamb Steaks with Rosemary Mustard Butter.

Mon mari has been working on outside stuff – playing with his outdoor toys: chainsaws and cutters and  such.

At least he’s been doing that when the weather is decent.

It’s been cold and damp all over Europe.  We get a nice day followed be three or four bad days.

My garden has stalled.

Radishes are supposed to go from seed to table in 18 days. Mine are only an inch high after 30 days.

The garden doesn’t look much different than the photo I took a month ago.

kitchen garden

The seeds germinate, then nothing.  Even the cool weather crops like lettuce and spinach are just sitting.


I finally planted the winter squashes today, along with some corn and beans. It’s all very late, but I’m worried that it might still be too early, weather-wise. If it’s too cold the seeds rot rather than germinate.

And notice all the brown fields in the distance… They should be green with growth by now.

Wonder what I’ll be complaining about next month LOL

Last updated:

5 thoughts on “Lamb Steaks with Mustard Rosemary Butter”

  1. Your little crops look the same height as mine and we are just about to start winter. I have similar things planted – winter greens and silver beet, parsley and coriander.

  2. Well the grass is beautiful green and the lamb looks heavenly. I know Gorn will be wild for it … mustard rosemary butter … that’s always a made in heaven combo. I”m in.

  3. I love your flavoured butter! I am a big fan of such things with steaks – lamb or beef. The weather has been atrocious and our veggie patch is also not doing it’s stuff! We have loads of strawberries and cherries but they are not getting ripe! It has to change soon though or I may have to move further South!

  4. Kate, I’m impressed that you do a winter garden… I’m usually so sick of gardening by then I give it up.

    Tanna, and that beautiful green grass needs mowing constantly… but it is nice to look at… and play in with the doggies. Lamb on the grill – always!

    Anne, even the south hasn’t been nice… but we’ve had 2 days of sunshine, so there’s hope – and I finally got some radishes that we’re big enough to pick,

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