Baked Cod Provençal; Cooking fish, the Weekly Menu

I don’t often post recipes for fish, (Smoked Salmon doesn’t count.)

I have to struggle each week to cook fish.

Not with myself; with mon mari.

We have fish or seafood every Friday.

No, not because of my German Catholic childhood….

Because I like fresh fish and I normally do the shopping on Thursday or Friday.

I cook it on Friday, because I make a first course on Friday.

That way mon mari doesn’t have to suffer unduly from the dreaded fish.

Why, you ask, do I fix fish if mon mari hates it so?

Because it’s good for him, naturally.

And because he doesn’t hate it as much as he thinks he does.

It’s more that he hates the idea of fish.

He’s perfectly happy with any kind of shellfish; loves crustaceans and likes most cephalopods.

He’s okay with big fish: loves salmon, likes swordfish and will eat tuna.

He absolutely abhors anything that can possible have a bone in it; which pretty well eliminates the rest of the aquatic world.

We live in a Mediterranean country.  The Mediterranean countries are very big on fish. 

In both Andorra and France, the supermarkets have huge fish counters, with several people working, skinning, scaling, gutting and filleting the fish to order.

It always looks so wonderful – from the tiny fresh anchovies through the sardines and trout to the sole and turbot. (I draw the line at monkfish – that is one ugly fish).

About every 3 months or so I deviate from the shrimp/scallop/salmon rotation.

I’m always happy with it – think Sole with Browned Butter and Capers.

Mon mari gets 1 bone and it’s over for the evening.

This was one he liked – it was the ‘back’ of cod, whatever that means, but no bones.

For the record: he loves fish sticks….

I was happy – green garlic, Greek olives and cherry tomatoes? What’s not to like?

The recipe, Baked cod Provençal, has been updated, nutrition information added, and re-posted here: Baked cod Provençal.  

Last updated:

11 thoughts on “Baked Cod Provençal; Cooking fish, the Weekly Menu”

  1. Who doesn’t love fish sticks???
    We try to eat fish once a week…my hubby also isn’t crazy about it. LOVES the shrimp, crab, lobster….not so much the cod, salmon, tuna. Too bad….tonight it is wild caught Alaskan salmon with a side of Lemon/Thyme orzo. How bad can that be???

  2. Hi Katie – we try to have seafood once a week too, although my dh won’t eat shell fish of any kind….so he gets chicken, we get the shrimp, scallops, etc. This recipe would be lovely with Snapper too. Ina

  3. I have to struggle to have fish frequently – not that it’s hard to cook or hard to find, just that I don’t think of it that often. Yours looks good.

  4. You made me laugh at the mari description! I know quite a few people who share his aversion; which is totally weird to me ’cause I grew up eating the entire fish, tail and all, fried and thought it was yummy!
    Oh well, I would just serve him fish sticks and buy myself the best possible fresh fish at market!

  5. the fish sellers never give up to “style” the monkfish… spread open its jaw and mouth, sometime insert another fish into its mouth … what a style! anyway, that dry-cure olive sounds superb!

  6. I like your fresh ingredients piled on top…not overcooked. The Throumpes (Greek) olives are my fave. I bring back some each year.

  7. monkfish is great if you do not have to look it in the eye before cooking and eating it, so if you get that chance maybe try it…I love all fish but my father can stand having the stuff in the house so, while i am living at home, no fish for me

  8. Cindy, okay, so we love fish sticks – the secret is out….
    Ina, what is it with husbands and fish?
    Zoomie, like anything, it has gotten to be a habit.
    Tasteofbeirut, that is actually what I’ve started doing – and I’m okay with the tail, but not the eyes….
    Gattina, they do seem to enjoy playing with that huge jaw, don’t they?
    Peter, thankfully we can get Grek olives – the French olives are not nearly as flavorful.
    Shayne, I know it’s supposed to be fantastic… it’s just soooo ugly.
    Rachel, olivephobes….. OH NO!

  9. Sound just like my Honey…one bone…game over! Sight of a whole fish…game over! Smell something “fishy”…game over!
    Perhaps I’ll give this cod a try. It certainly looks gorgeous.

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