Honey Soy Chicken, Slow Cooker ; restless dogs

Mon mari loves Oven-Fried Chicken.

So do I…. But I like the laziness of slow cooker chicken.

I’ve been tinkering with the flavors to see if I can’t convince him slow cooker is best.

I’m getting there. At the moment it’s one oven-fried chicken dinner for every two in the slow cooker.

This one helped tilt the odds in my favor.

I didn’t thicken the sauce as it was quite strongly flavored. We just drizzled a bit as we ate.

The recipe, Honey Soy Chicken, has been updated, nutrition information added, and re-posted here: Honey & Soy Sauce Chicken, Slow Cooker.

My dogs are restless.

Well, Guapa is very restless; I think Bonnie is just getting in on the action for fun.

All day long she (Guapa) has been going from bed to rug to floor and then to me asking to go outside.

I go to the door, open it and she gives me the ‘I’m not going out there you fool, it’s raining!’ look. I close the door.

I go back to my desk, sit, and both dogs come running to be petted.

I pet them for the required 3 minutes, then tell them to leave.

Bonnie dutifully lies on her bed and start to snore. Guapa paces a bit, repeats the bed-hopping and comes back for more petting, at which point Bonnie wakes up and decides she wants to go out. They both run to the door, I open it; they both refuse to go out. (For 8 months out of the year I just leave the door open but we prefer not to do that in the middle of winter.)

I go back to me desk, sit, and the whole routine repeats itself.

I’ve opened the door a dozen times today and they’ve gone out twice, not counting the walks when I go out with them.

They’re driving my nuts!

Maybe they have cabin-fever

Maybe I’m just in a bad mood…..

Something tells me this week is not going to end well.

Although it could, just possibly, be a little exciting~

Last update on February 13, 2023

5 thoughts on “Honey Soy Chicken, Slow Cooker ; restless dogs”

    • I don’t know – something is definitely bothering her. If she’s still restless tomorrow we’ll go to the vet. She seems to have settled down a bit after I fed them.

  1. The chicken looks delicious Katie. You are really making use of your slow cooker. I love mine too. Our Daisy has been doing a lot of pacing lately. But in her case, it is old age. I know that is not your problem with Guapa.

  2. Tanna, love and curse them at the same time…. Slow cookers rock!

    Penny, I am loving it, exp. when its cold (and I’m lazy). I think maybe it was just gas – sometimes they think they’re cows and eat grass. My other dogs used to eat it and promptly vomit. These don’t – just eat it.

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