Grilled Orange Chicken Breasts; a hair cut

Orange marmalade is a pantry staple at our house in the summer.

Mon mari likes it on toast.

I like it in marinades.

When you are marinating any sort of meat it helps to poke it with a fork a few times, then turn to soak up the marinade.

I think that is especially important with chicken breasts…. They can be a bit bland otherwise.

These have to be watched as the sugar in the marmalade can easily burn.

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Grilled Orange Chicken Breasts

Grilled chicken breasts are a summer staple. A good marinade makes the difference between boring and great.

  • Author: Katie Zeller
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x
  • Category: Chicken
  • Method: Grilling


  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 3 tbs soy sauce
  • 3 tbs orange marmalade
  • 1/4 tsp powdered ginger
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder


  • In small bowl mix all ingredients except chicken breasts.
  • Put chicken breasts in shallow baking dish (or something with sides) and spoon marinade over.
  • Let marinate for 15 minutes.
  • Cook on barbecue grill for 12 – 15 minutes or until done.
  • Remove and let rest 5 minutes. Slice and serve.


These can be marinated for longer, several hours, in the fridge.

Grilled Orange Chicken Breasts

I got my hair cut yesterday.

I’ve had my hair cut in the past, but it’s not something I enjoy so I tend to procrastinate as long as possible.

When I could no longer put it off, I had been just popping in to one of the chain shops in the strip mall, which I particularly hated. This time I decided to go to a private salon.

I actually enjoyed it… almost. It was an interesting experience.

In the US, before I started avoiding hair cuts, I had a regular stylist.

She would meet me in the reception area and escort me to her chair. We would discuss what was to be done. She would comment on the state of my hair, inevitably recommending products that she sold and I could buy that would vastly improve it.

Then we would go to the sink where she would wash and condition my hair.

Back at her chair she would cut my hair, then dry it, curl it, fuss with it, talking non-stop the entire time. She would charge me $50.00 plus tip of $10.00 (this was 20 years ago) and, an hour later, I was done.

Yesterday, I was greeted at the door (no reception area) by a young woman who escorted me to the sinks.

She washed my hair.

For some reason the French never use conditioners…. which results in a somewhat painful comb-out.

I digress….

When my hair was washed she escorted me to a station.

Immediately, a second woman came over, greeted me, and proceeded to comb out my hair.

When it was tangle free she left and a third woman came over. She greeted me and asked how much I wanted take off. I told her and she cut it.

(I found out later she was the owner of the shop….)

Then she left and the second woman came back and did the blow-dry.

When it was dry she left and the third woman came back, fussed and clipped a bit more and asked if I liked it.

I said yes, and she left.

The first woman came back, brushed me off, escorted me to the desk and told me it was 34 euro (about $38.00).

Thirty minutes and I was done.

No one chatted.

There were, of course, five other people in the shop in various stages of service.

It was very efficient which I liked.

It was also both impersonal and friendly, which I also liked.

I may go back in a reasonable amount of time.. rather than wait until it gets tangled in the bike spokes.

8 thoughts on “Grilled Orange Chicken Breasts; a hair cut”

  1. I can’t eat commercial orange marmalade. My gran made it, I loved it. She died, I bought it in a jar, it was the worst stuff I’ve ever had trying to pass itself off as a sweet spread. Never again.

    I don’t like getting my hair cut either. I’ve had two good cuts in my life. That was it. :/ I also don’t like to color it myself anymore but can’t seem to find someone who will willingly do the color I want which is my base color that’s growing out, and highlight it with silver so my gray can grow in naturally. Everyone wants to ‘improve’ it.

    • I don’t like it, possibly because I’ve never had good marmalade, but he likes it on toast and I like it for marinades so it works – for summer. In the US, they seem to want to ‘improve’ whatever and also sell stuff. That’s why I liked this place – efficient and did as I wanted lol. I hate fussing with my hair 😉

  2. Our hairdresser does not have a salon. She provides a mobile service as well as having the concession at the salon in the maison de retraite. She lives next door to us and once (or occasionally twice) a year she comes over and cuts our hair back to shoulder length. It costs €20 for the two of us ie €10 each.

  3. I’m not allowed to use my husband’s home-made Seville orange marmalade in marinades. If I want to do that, I have to buy it at the supermarket.

    Clearly, after gazing (drooling) at the photo of your chicken, I neeeeeeeeed to add “marmalade” to the grocery list….

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